Sunday, March 25, 2018

Passion Week and up coming events!!

Kia Ora parents,

I'm back and happy to be with my class. The Passion Week began on Sunday with the celebration of Palms and the triumphant entry of Jesus to his home town to celebrate the Passover Feast.

Image result for palm sunday

In B2 we will be learning more in detail about all the events that lead to Good Friday and Easter.

On Thursday Our students will be enacting the "Stations of the Cross". B2  will be enacting the 7th Station "Jesus falls the second time under the wait of the Cross". We will be practicing this station in class. 

Image result for jesus falls the second time

There is also a Biblical Feast on the Wednesday to remember the Last Supper of Jesus with his special disciples. B Pod will be joining with C & D Pods for this special feast. The details will be sent home with your children.

Image result for jesus last supper

On Thursday is St. Mary Mackillop's Stations Of The Cross enactment. This will conclude our Passion Week at School.

Image result for enactment of stations of cross

Very Important note :Please remember to book in your time for the S LC's. I'm looking forward to meeting every single parent of my Class. Your children will be more than happy to share all their success and their goals they have achieved during Term 1. 

Image result for time for slcs

Together we will work for our children's progress.

Thank you


1 comment:

  1. Hi Anna, I have logged Bronson into his account but no instructions are given as to how he completes his homework via the blog. Can you please advise
