Welcome Back!!
Hello parents & caregivers,
I hope you guys are enjoying the break with your lovelies and getting all the rest needed before we start off our most busiest term.
Before I begin to think about Term 4 I would like to thank every single parent of B2 Class for your continuous love and support all through the Term. I'm very proud of my amazing students who are always eager to learn and enjoy all the new challenges that comes their way. Thank you parents for supporting your children and me in our success. "Success is the work of one but many"
Home Work: Find tricky words from your Duffy books , clarify them and make meaningful sentences.
Choose one character that was your most favourite or a character that you would like to change in the story. Tell why you would like to change the character? { Duffy books please}
Solve the following equations:
Year 3: Use place value to solve addition, subtraction equations.
764 + 634 = 876 + 654 = 543 + 354 =
987 + 765 = 543 + 453 = 987 + 564 =
876 - 564= 897 - 654 = 765 - 543 =
Learn your time tables: 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6, 7
Year 4 : Solve the following equations:
3/4 of 40= 7/8 of 80 = 5/6 of 36 =
Convert the following Improper fraction to mixed fractions:
5/3 = . 35/ 4 = . 17 / 6= . 31/ 9=
Order of Operations:
{18 - 7} + 20 - 8 +24 x 1 =
{ 20 + 30 + 14} +21 + 1 x 2 =
29 + 37 + { 24 + 3 + 37 } + 40 =
Learn your time tables.
What is an Angle ? Name the different angles with definition and draw them.

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