Thursday, April 26, 2018

Hello !!!

Greeting Parents.

I hope your children have enjoyed the 2 weeks break having some family time and lots of rest. They must be getting ready to come back to school all ready for some more challenged learning. 

 Image result for speech competition

Term two is a busy term. Upcoming programme for Term Two is the Speech Competitions which is always a huge participation from the students in B Pod. I have already spoken to the parents during the SLC's about the Speech competitions. I hope the students have used this break to get themselves ready with their speeches.

Each and every student is expected to participate in the speech competition. They have to be ready with a speech in any language other than English. They can speak in Samoan, Tongan, Cook Island, Tagalog, Maori. The speech can be a prayer or a Bible verse or about any topic of their interest. 

They can also prepare a speech in English as well. Time limit is about 3 minutes. The Speech Competitions are in Week 4. So, there is still time to get ready. 

I have asked everyone in my class to read their Duffy books and clarify tricky words, find the main idea in the text and ask some questions as their break Homework.

I will be checking this on Monday at school.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Home Work Week 11

A  huge thanks to all the Parents who came in for the SLC's on Wednesday & Thursday. We didn't achieve 100% as some didn't turn up.

Upcoming events for Week 11:

Duffy Role Model Assembly in the Wharenui at 11.30 a.m

B, C & D Pod Citizenship Celebration on Wednesday at the Wharenui from 9.00 -1.00 p.m 

Friday End of Term Mass at St. Therese Church 11.00a.m

Year 3 Spelling Words:

Clarify the following tricky words and use them to make meaningful sentences.




Solve the following equations : Use repeated addition to solve them.

22x 5=

15x 3=

20x 2=

14 x 3=
12 x 5=
10 x4=

Learn your 2, 3,4 times tables.

Year 4 Spelling Words:

Clarify them and make meaningful sentences.











Maths: Solve the following equations using part whole Strategy.

56 x 4 =

32 x 4 =

66 x 5 =

146+ 69=

345 + 75=

Learn your time tables  2, 3 , 4 , 5& 6.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Christ Has Risen!! Happy Easter !!

What an exciting week it was. We had Biblical Feast on Wednesday  and on Saturday The Lord's Passion. Thanks to all the parents who came to support your children.

Upcoming events:

Wednesday morning we will have Easter Liturgy in the Wharenui with the final station enacted " Jesus Rises From The Dead".

 Student Led Conferences this Wednesday and Thursday. School finishes early by 12.30.

I am looking forward to meeting every single parent for the SLC's . So please do come and see your children's learning for Term 1.

Image result for student led conference

On Friday it is Mufti Day and a special Gold Coin Donation for Caritas NZ. A special Liturgy will be held in the Wharenui. Please do support Caritas NZ.

 Image result for caritas nz 2018