Saturday, September 22, 2018

Homework Week 10

Dear Parents & Caregivers,

Upcoming events for Week 10: Te Tuhi Art Gallery visit on Monday. B2 will have an early Morning Tea and leave around 11 in the morning. 

Duffy Role Model Assembly on Tuesday at 1.30 in the Wharenui. Lunch will be early.

Whole School End of Term 3 Mass at St. Theresa Church at 11 a.m.

Solve the following equations: Place Value addition

345 + 456 =                    543 + 234 =

567 + 345 =                    765 + 123=

921 + 234 =                    765 + 254 =

24 x 6=              57 x 5=         43 x 5=

65 x 4 =             26 x 4 =          87 x 4 =

Year 4 Maths 

{ 9 + 43 - 4 } x 5 { 12 + 34} =

{16 + 7} x {9 - 3 }+ 10=

9 x { 4 x 10 -4 } + 5=

Learn your Time Tables.

  picture writing prompt: hyperbole

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Welldone B2

Hello parents & caregivers,

Thanks once again for your continued support. I feel very proud to be B2's teacher. Well done for an awesome Maori Liturgy B2! Bronson and Eli you have shown what Excellence means.

Upcoming events for the following weeks. This Monday is Whole School Photographs. Please to come to school in full uniform  looking smart. On Friday its Loud shirt day. Theme is Superheros. Next week on Monday B 2 will be visiting Te Tuhi  Art Gallery as a part of  learning  Pacific Art. Thanks to all the parents who have signed the permission forms and paid for the trip.

Spelling words: { each group will pick up words from their text that are tricky to  clarify  and find their meanings.}

Solve the following equations: { Year 3}

Add the following using place values

234 + 245=                 567 + 265=

457 + 678=                257 + 345 =

874 + 234=               987 + 234=

Multiply these: 25 X 5=             35 X 3=

Learn your times tables

Year 4 Maths:

Solve the following year 4:

{7x 4} + { 3x9} - {5x 6}+ { 7 +9} =

{ 9x 5} + { 7 x 5} + { 6 x 5}=

35 x 5=     312 x 4 =     265 x 5 =   121 x 5=

Write an explanation about "What qualities would you look for in your friend?"

Image result for awesome class


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Terrific Tongan Language Week!

Greetings Parents & Caregivers,

What a Trilling Tongan Language Week it was for B 2 with all the Tantalizing learning. Thanks to my Tongan students who stood tall and proud to help us with Tongan Learning. B 2 students had to learn facts about Tonga and some common everyday words. It was challenging but everyone gave it a try.

"You never know you can do unless you have given it a try" {B2 slogan}

Well done to Sorona for accepting a challenge and executing it well. She along with Malia helped the girls learn a Tongan dance. Huge thanks to Una Filo Sorona's mum and Maria Fonua Shaylee's mum for the lovely Traditional attire for the dance. The girls looked stunning and so was their performance. Would like to congratulate Samiu for being  brave and performing along with the girls. Here are a few pics and a video of their performance.

Homework Spelling Words:
                                Pick up 10 words from your text clarify them. { Make sentences of own}

Solve the following equations: 

1/4 of 24=                  24 x 2=

1/3 of  30=                 12 x 4=

2/4 of 40=                  35 x 5=

4/5 of 45=                   42 x 4=

3/5 of 35=                    55 x 3=

252 + 125=                  26 x 2=               

543 + 435=

245+ 234=

Answer the following question.

Name different kinds of angles. Give definitions.

Image result for what is an angle kids speak


Sunday, September 2, 2018

Tongan Language Week

Malo e lelei , 

This week is Tongan Language Week. All the learning will be integrated with Tongan Language Week. We will learn simple phrases to use in conservation with one another. As our Inquiry Topic is Taonga we will be learning about Tongan Art and Dances.

 Image result for tongan language week 2018

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Huge Thanks !!

Hello Parents & Caregivers,

I would like to extend a huge thanks to all the parents who have helped B2 class for the Cultural Festival. 

Congratulations to my lovely students who practiced hard and performed well on the day. Couldn't take my eyes off while the boys performed. What a performance it was!! Very proud Teacher.

Spelling words:

Each group to learn the spelling words from their text.{Reading book}

Learn your Time Tables 

Retell about Father's day Celebration.

Look at our Father's Day Cards!!